Hi, welcome to our About Us page. Our names are E. Lawrence Brock and Timothy S. Taylor, but you can call us Larry and Tim. After years of friendship and intense discussions, we decided we wanted to help those we love figure out what they wanted to do with their lives and how they could be successful based on their definition of success.
This is not easy since most people have different definitions of success. How could we come up with one thing that could help all those we love? After many long, exciting, and intense discussions, we decided to write this book, What Floats Your Boat: The Key to a Fulfilling Life. While we originally started this process to help those closest to us, we hope it can also help you. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us.
Larry Brock

E. Lawrence Brock, “Larry,” was born and raised in Los Angeles, growing up in the shadow of downtown during the 50s and 60s. He attended California State University in Los Angeles and then Southwestern University School of Law, graduating in 1979 with a Juris Doctorate.
He is married to Joyce, and they have eight children. Each had three when they married in 1987, and they added two more.
For most of his life, he lived in Southern California, but in 2015, he and Joyce moved to St. George, Utah, to be 350 miles closer to most of their grandchildren and where there is no snow. Those grandchildren live in Utah along 100 miles of the snowy Wasatch Front.
Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor is an entrepreneur with 53 years of professional experience in many different industries. These professions include ditch digging, engineering with high-tech electronics in the A/V industry, and everything in between. Projects include the Deseret Power automated boardroom, the University of Utah traffic Lab, and an award-winning Parade of Homes home theater system.
Currently, Tim is a real estate agent in St. George, Utah, and is pursuing a more robust mentoring audience. He is an ardent student of history and human nature, making this book a natural extension of those studies. He is also an active participant in his church and community, serving in many ecclesiastical and political positions.
However, Tim’s greatest achievement and joy in life is his marriage of forty-three years to his sweetheart Christine and their four wonderful children and ten (and counting) grandchildren.